

Hello! I am a current MSc thesis researcher in the domain of graph signal processing with Prof. Geert Leus at the Signal Processing Systems Group at TU Delft in the Netherlands. I am also a recent graduate from the BEng Honors Electrical Engineering program at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. My broader research interests are in the intersection of machine learning, statistics, optimization and signal processing applied to graphs.


My master’s thesis work involves applying Kalman Filters to the graph topology identification problem providing a method to learn graphs in a dynamic and online (real-time) setting. It extends upon optimization and graph signal processing theory. As the current research focuses on a linear graph filter, it may also be extended to non-linear dynamic processes and to graph neural networks. This work is directly applicable in modeling and prediction algorithms for high frequency trading, the diagnosis of mental health disorders via fMRI imaging data, and dynamic remote sensing applications such as detection of forest fires.


My bachelor’s thesis work, conducted with Prof. Mark Coates and Florence Regol, was on a proposed new evaluation method for categorical generative models over very large sample spaces (of order 10^9). It is based on statistical identity testing. The metric is correct, interpretable, and outperforms baselines with statistical guarantees. The work has been applied to the task of protein sequence modeling. The results of my work were accepted and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'23.).

Additional research endeavors include work in heterogeneous integrated systems, with Prof. Boris Vaisband resulting in a published paper presented at the IEEE Intl. Symposium on Circuits and Systems in May 2022 ISCAS'22 . I have also conducted a research project in audio signal processing analyzing neural network-based pitch detection algorithms. My internship experience includes DUST Identity, a startup in Boston on the hardware development of their core technologies as an electrical engineering intern.


If you would like contact me, please email me at the email below. I'll try my best to respond quickly but I may be hiking in the mountains, rowing somewhere along the dutch canals or flying down the slopes. Thank you for your patience :)



Throughout the past 15 years, I have been fortunate enough to participate in various sports and volunteering groups. I have also had the opportunity to move abroad twice for university. These experiences there have shaped me in every capacity and as such, an 'about me' section feels incomplete without them. Below, I briefly discuss my experience as a ski racer based in Vermont, USA, a student-life volunteer at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and a competitive rower in Delft, The Netherlands.

My journey begins as an alpine ski racer at the Killington Mountain School in Vermont. I traveled nationally and internationally for training and races up to 8 months of the year while serving as head of three academic and extracurricular activities. From 7 am Skype classes in Panorama, British Columbia to using the medical-procedure room in the Austrian First-Aid hut for a quiet place to take an exam, I was able to combine both academics and top sport with the support of my teachers, trainers, and family. I also served as an academic liaison between the teachers and my peers which involved substitute teaching classes, tutoring my teammates on longer training trips, and serving as an academic guidance counselor advising students on classes, college applications, and study strategies.

Next, my curious nature and love of learning (new cultures in particular) took me abroad for my undergraduate degree to McGill University in Montreal, Canada. There, I became involved in student-life culminating in the position of President of the Electrical, Computer, Software, Engineering Student Society. The society strived to develop students technically, professionally and socially and to foster a welcoming, kind, and respectful enviornment in our multicultural and diverse department. During my term, I worked with the university to allocate more than $250k in funding to teaching services, research, student events, and curriculum improvement. I also worked to integrate the student hardware Makerspace into the mainstream curriculum, and managed a diverse volunteer team of 60 students delivering over 20 events per semester. A highlight of my time includes winning the annual engineering competition against the other 8 engineering departments. Seeing 250+ ECSE engineers excitedly work together in a freshly post-covid era was not only exciting but inspiring. I also served multiple years as a student advisor continuing my passion from ski academy for helping peers strategize and plan their academic careers. I held numerous formal positions in this capacity allowing me serve as an official student advocate addressing violations of rights with the Faculty of Engineering and McGill University. My cases involved discrimination based on race and nationality, violations of academic rights, and inconsistent grading schemes.

Upon graduation, I moved abroad again to The Netherlands to pursue my MSc in Electrical Engineering at Delft University of Technology. There, I returned to my love for sport and began rowing as a competitor for the D.S.R.V. Laga rowing organization. Laga provided me the opportunity to experience the Dutch culture and the unique joys and stressors which accompany operating in your non-native language. This past season, my team and I were fortunate to experience athletic success winning 3 of 8 races in pool-A competing against 100+ first-year Dutch student boats and qualified for the Nederlandse Studenten Kampioenschappen. We additionally traveled to Venice, Italy and competed in a rowing marathon traveling over 50km which put our mental fortitude to the test. We train together not only during the rowing season but during the off-season as well. We also proudly cheered on fellow Laga rowers at the Paris Olympics watching them earn two silver medals. Allez Lagaai!